Kittitas County Public Works is conducting an important study to better understand the emergency preparedness needs and risk perceptions of its residents and stakeholders as part of the County’s Hazard Mitigation Plan update process. Your participation is needed, and greatly appreciated!
Link to Questionnaire (English): Kittitas County Hazard Mitigation Questionnaire
Link to Questionnaire (Spanish): Condado de Kittitas Encuesta comunitaria sobre la preparación para emergencias
The questionnaire should only take about 10 minutes to complete. All responses will be kept confidential. We hope to close the questionnaire in mid-March 2024.
June 1 2023 Public Health Champion award presented to the KCFPD #6
The Kittitas County Board of Health Advisory Committee announced the recipient of its Public Health Champion award. The Public Health Champion award will be presented to the Kittitas County Fire Protection District #6, according to in a May 26 press release. “The award is in recognition of their work to care for some of the most vulnerable people in our community and their goal of understanding people (holistically) and addressing all their needs,” the committee said in the release. Please read the full story in the Daily Record News
July 27 2022 DNR Grant
We are extremely excited to announce that we recently received a $76,000 grant from DNR to re-chassis a District #6 brush truck. This grant will allow us to replace our 30 year old chassis with a new chassis and improve firefighter safety. For more information, please read the DNR Grant Approval Letter!

Brush 611 (B-611) Example Chassis Replacement
May 4 2022 UKC Fuels receives major boost from Suncadia
The Suncadia Fund For Community Enhancement granted $77,000 to the Upper Kittitas County Fuels Module (UKC Fuels) for the puchase of a municipal grade chipper and a dump box for wood chips. Read the full story here!

APR 28 2022 Chief Troy Jackson – New Partnerships
New partnerships formed today as we are committed to advancing the health of our community.
Kittitas County Fire Protection District 6 and Kittitas County Hospital District 2 formally align with Greater Columbia Accountable Community of Health (GCACH)
We are excited to build local programs to advance the health of our population by decreasing health disparities, improving efficiency of health care through collaboration, innovation, and engagement.

APR 15 2022 Chief Troy Jackson – New WSRB Rating
Very exciting news for the residents protected by Kittitas County Fire Protection District 6.
With this new rating, KCFPD6 now has the best Protection Class rating of any Fire District in Upper Kittitas County.
What does this mean? It should have a direct “positive effect” on your insurance premiums. In some cases, it will open the door for residents to shop other providers for even better rates which could result in saving hundreds of dollars on insurance premiums per year.
How did we get here? We spent the past 3 years laser focused in several areas including training, emergency response capabilities, officer development, operational readiness, and community.
Currently we pencil in at 4.19 meaning, we are close to obtaining a protection class of 4 which would match that within the city of Ellensburg.
With improvements on the horizon, we feel confident that we can obtain a PC4 and further reduce insurance premiums for our residents at the same time, improving our operational capabilities. Please read the WSRB Evaluation Letter for more details.
FEB. 12 2022
Jim Fossett – Northern Kittitas County Tribune

Kittitas County Fire District-6 completed a day of avalanche training to learn basic search techniques near the Last Resort on Salmon La Sac Highway. Chief Troy Jackson acknowledged members of the Penelerick and May families for their support.
Jan 21 2022 – Chief Troy Jackson on Propane Safety
If your home has a propane furnace, water heater, range or other appliances, you should schedule a yearly inspection of your whole propane system. A qualified service person or gas supplier can provide a trained service technician to inspect your system for leaks and ensure all applicable safety standards are met. The technician can also inspect your tank, piping, regulators, gauges, connectors, valves, vents, thermostats, pilots, burners and appliance controls to make sure they are in good working condition.

Homeowner Maintenance:
In case of Snow…. heavy snow and ice should be removed from regulators, regulator vents, piping, tubing and valves. Failure to do so can cause damage that could result in a gas leak. Appliance vents, chimneys and flues must be kept clear of snow and ice to allow proper venting. Snow and ice should be removed from walkways and tank area so that propane company personnel have ready access to your tank.
1. Use a broom instead of a shovel when clearing snow off the tank or around the exposed piping, regulator, gauges or tubing.
2. When clearing the roof, avoid shoveling snow onto exposed piping around the propane regulator near the building or onto the propane tank and piping, as well as any meters or other piping that may be in use.
3. Check regulator vents on the propane system to be sure they are free of snow, ice or water that could freeze. (A two-stage system has a regulator on the tank and at the entrance of the propane piping to the building; a single regulator is on the tank.) If a regulator vent is clogged with ice or snow, contact your propane supplier immediately.
4. Check all gas appliance exhaust and combustion air vents, such as dryer or furnace vents, to be sure they are kept clear of snow and ice.
Before a snow storm occurs:
5. In areas where heavy snows are expected, cover the regulator, relief valves, and fill valves with a protective cap or “dome.” This dome will keep out snow, ice, or rain which might clog the regulator if it freezes. In systems using more than one regulator, or where the cover is not in place, make certain the exposed regulator vent is in the
downward position to keep out moisture.
6. Prior to heavy snow storms, mark the location of the propane tank and other equipment with snow stakes which should extend well above the maximum anticipated snow depth. Consumers whose tanks and piping are not presently marked should mark them now.

Because of the threat of explosion or carbon monoxide build up due to an improperly vented appliance, the venting system should be inspected on a periodic basis. An annual inspection is recommended in the late summer or early fall.
Propane System Checklist:
1. Smell for propane odor.
2. Check cylinders and tanks for exterior rust, dents, and last fill date.
3. Check that disconnected cylinders are plugged and piping is capped.
4. Check the liquid level gauge on the tank or cylinder if so equipped. Refill per recommended guidelines.
5. Ensure appliances are properly vented.
6. Check appliances for rusty or water damaged gas control valves.
1. Ensure vent is pointed downward to prevent blockage from ice
2. Ensure vent is not blocked by insects, mud-daubers, wasp nests, spider cocoons, etc.
3. Ensure connector is protected from scratches or dents.
1. Always stored outdoors or in an open area in an upright position
2. Have shutoff valves firmly closed when the appliance is not being used
3. Are away from a stove or fireplace
4. In a secure position
5. Always used with a regulator

Jan 20 2022
Jim Fossett – Northern Kittitas County Tribune
Saturday Firefighters save a home

EVERGREEN VALLEY – Saturday, Jan. 15, around 10pm, Kittitas County Fire District-6 in Ronald responded to a structure fire in Evergreen Valley, located just north of Ronald. KCFD-6 Chief Troy Jackson tells the story.
“A minute after we were paged, Roslyn Fire Department was paged as part of an automatic mutual aid agreement when there are visible flames. In this case they were visible in a roofed outdoor entertainment area attached to the house.
“Within four minutes I was on scene and able to stop the spread with fire extinguishers I had in my command vehicle.
“Shortly after, engines and firefighters from District 6 and Roslyn arrived on scene and went to work checking for extension and extinguishing the remaining fire in and around the chimney box.
“An investigation revealed that snow from the roof had crushed the metal chimney stack and hindered the heat from escaping through the stack.
“When it was crushed, it also created an opening between the fireplace and roof structure where heat and flames from the fireplace were able to ignite that adjacent roof structure.”
“All residents were able to evacuate the home and nobody was hurt.”
Jan 11 2022 – Chief Troy Jackson on Snowmageddon
Chief Jackson reaches out to the county and state requesting relief from snow accumulations in and around Ronald during Snowmageddon.

Chief expressed public safety concerns citing, narrow one way lane on 903, insufficient site lines and limited emergency vehicle access. At his request for help the state brought up their blower to widen 903 and shortly after the “big snow storm” hired a local contractor to remove snow from the 903 corridor through Ronald. Additionally, the day before and a few days after the extreme snow event, the county assisted by bringing in a blower and grader to widen the side streets within Ronald and bring roads to grade.